"The Lord is my strength and my shield; in God my heart trusts; so I am helped and my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to God.“ - Psalm 28:7

In the midst of challenging times it can be difficult, seemingly even ridiculous to try and be grateful. Yet gratitude is a powerful antidote for stress and a powerful force to reframe perspective on our lives. And our confidence as people and as seeking to be Christ-followers is not that things will go well all the time, but that Christ travels with us as our strength and our shield. This is our trust and our hope. This is our gratitude-generator at holidays like Thanksgiving and year round.

And, if you’re going through difficult times, please know you are not alone. Reach out to me as pastor and to the Redeemer community for support. We‘re far from perfect, but with Christ‘s love and blessings we are stronger together - for each other and for the world.

Blessed Thanksgiving everyone.
- Pastor Tobias